
Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Quit Alcohol Abuse and Binge Drinking

Qutting alcohol is a popular New Year's resolution and 2011 is no different. After the christmas festivites and over-indulgence many people want to lead healthier lives. Stopping alcohol abuse and getting out of the habit of drinking wine, beer, lager or other alcoholic drinks every evening is a common theme. What was once a "one off" drink to help relaxation has now become an essential need. Unfortunately excess and repeated use of alcohol leads to new problems.

Duncan McColl, a scot, new about these issues and with this in mind authored his powerful hypnosis cd and mp3 to help anyone quit drinking alcohol. It's available here Alcohol Abuse Help

Friday, October 03, 2008

5 Path Hypnosis Training California - Cal Banyan

An advanced form of hypnotherapy training for hypnotists who have completed their hypnosis training and want additional skills and understanding.

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Monday, September 22, 2008

Hypnotherapists Directory Helps During Credit Crunch

All businesses no matter what size or long established are vulnerable during these financially worrying times called the credit crunch. The expansion by 15 counties of a hypnotherapy directory will help hypnotherapists attract more clients.

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Monday, June 30, 2008

Quit Smoking - Because You Want To

Many more smokers in the UK have quit in this last year because of the smoking ban it seems. Smokers may have seen this law as being the final straw that convinced them that they needed to stop smoking.

Deciding to quit smoking is one thing, being able to stick to your decision to stop is another. There are choices of quit smoking support. Steven Harold a Hypnotherapist in London and Essex helps many smokers become ex-smokers. He just insists on one thing from the people he sees. You must want to stop smoking for your reasons and not because anyone else is persuading you to quit.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Hypnosis Hypnotherapy and Help for Cancer

Even the word "cancer" can send someone into shock or give them a panic attack. It is considered that the body needs rest and a calm state to be able to heal itself optimally. Stress, anxiety and adrenalyn do not provide that calm or relaxed state.

Hypnotherapy and particularly using a regular relaxation process such as self hypnosis can help you cope with cancer. By helping you feel more relaxed it may promote the healing process just when you need it most.

Patrick Browning a London Hypnotherapist discusses how hypnosis may help you during a difficult time when cancer has been diagnosed.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Insomnia Help Tips

Do you find it difficult to get to sleep? Do you think you may be suffering from insomnia?

Sleep is vital to our healthy existance. If you are going through a period of disturbed or broken sleep patterns these insomnia help tips may just make the difference and allow you to enjoy your regular sleep pattern again.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Smoking - Is it an Addiction or a Habit?

I am having a little debate with other hypnotherapist colleagues about this age old question. What exactly is smoking as far as its hold on a smoker is concerned. Is it an addiction or habit. The answer could make quitting smoking easier or harder.

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