
Monday, August 22, 2005

Self Hypnosis Cds - Alcoholism, Alcoholics

Many people suffering from stress or excess worry will turn to an alcoholic drink to help calm their nerves and provide some feelings of relaxation. There is no doubt that alcohol does have a relaxing effect when taken in moderate amounts.

Some people will have what they call a 'relaxer' at the end of their working day. This might be a glass or two of wine, a shot of whisky, rum etc or maybe a beer. In moderate amounts alcohol is supposed to be good for us. However it is when alcohol is used in excess, maybe to escape from dealing with a life problem that alcohol consumption can become an issue and a serious one too.

If you are drinking early in the morning, if you can't face the day without a drink, if you always need 'dutch courage' before attending a meeting whether social or professional, if you try to conceal how much you drink or are in denial about your drinking then you do have a problem.

What is not realised is that excess alcohol consumption can bring with it a feeling of depression. The person who drinks to excess and who then feels depressed will drink again to try and suppress or numb the feelings of depression and so a vicious cycle begins.

The only person that can stop someone when drinking excessively permanently is the drinker themselves. No amount of cajoling or persuading or threatening from love ones seems to make any difference. As with anything in life that is worth having or obtaining, it all begins with a decision. The decision comes first and then the action follows.

Many people who have had a drink problem and overcome it have used the AA's 12-step programme. As with anything, it will not be the right vehicle for everyone. IF you have attended an AA session and found them not to you liking, it is not an excuse to give up. It means that either you need to find an AA group that does feel better for you or another form of help may be what you need.

Hypnosis has been used to help people with a drink issue. It still requires the drinker to take responsibility for themselves and their life choices. The alcohol self hypnosis cds may just give you enough insight to help you crack your drink problem and start enjoying your life again.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Hypnosis Cd - Phobias and Fears

A phobic response is when a person experiences an immediate and uncontrollable (it seems) anxious reaction to a given stimulus.

The given stimulus can be anything. Here are a list of phobias and their and their names…

Mysophobia - a fear of dirt
Arachnophobia - a fear of spiders
Ergophobia - a fear of work
Zelophobia - fear of jealousy
Sitophobia - a fear of food
Pogonophobia - a fear of beards
Ornithophobia - a fear of birds

and the list goes on. It is quite possible to have a phobia of absolutely anything.

Often the cause of the phobia (we are not born phobic) is an event, may be during childhood where high anxiety was either experienced first hand or witnessed and associated with something present.

A classic example is this. A baby lies happily gurgling in a cot. Mother comes in and sees a spider crawling across the bed. The mother gets anxious and either kills or gets rid of the spider in a panic. The baby from that moment on associates anxiety with the spider and a phobic reaction is formed. It really can be as simple as that.

Notice in this example that the baby has formed an unconscious reaction. It does not know enough yet about the world to consciously decide to be fearful of spiders. Survival is the baby's first instinct and its reasoning ability has not yet been formed sufficiently. Of course this same event if played out to a number of different babies will not necessarily result in all of them developing a phobic response.

With hypnosis, the client with a phobia is encouraged to revisit this type of past experience and with the aid of a experienced hypnotherapist the emotional charge is removed from the memory and the client is helped with positive reinforcement and coping skills.

The fears and phobia hypnosis cd helps to develop a better response to the previously phobic stimulus so that the client will no longer experience anxiety, panic attacks or fear. In event the hypnosis cd helps to program a different and more appropriate reaction to that past phobic stimulus.