
Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hypnosis Cd - For help with Fertility for those who seem to suffer Infertility

The body and mind really are one. We only call them by separate titles because it makes it easier to distinguish what we want to talk about.

We might describe an issue as being psychological (mental) or physical. When you consider that the mind directly affects the body and vice versa, you might then also accept the idea that they operate as one. After all who can say where the body stops and the mind begins?

When it comes to falling pregnant which is considered a physical development, the mind can play a major role between fertility and infertility.

Going back to a well used metaphor about stone-age times, we often describe the flight or fight syndrome that the body and mind react to in a given situation as coming from our ancestors who needed to survive in harsh conditions. The example suggests that when man was confronted with a life-threatening situation (an animal of some sort) that the man would experience stress through increased adrenalin levels and he would either stop and fight or run.

In taking the above example again, it can be useful to explain an, other than, physical infertility issue.

Woman, in Stone Age times, is aware that the family dwelling or home is not safe. She is aware of a constant threat of danger and because of this she has more adrenalin flowing through her body. As a result, a certain level of stress is experienced.

Under these conditions it would not be safe for the woman to become pregnant. The mind's awareness of constant danger increases certain stress related chemicals in the body, which may render the woman infertile, unable to conceive, as long as that level of stress remains.

So higher psychological stress leads to increased chemicals in the body which can act as a natural contraceptive.

In today's society, the same experience can result in an otherwise healthy woman being unable to conceive. Her stress levels are high and until something changes, pregnancy is unlikely.

Even the experience and upset of not falling pregnant quickly enough can cause enough anxiety to ensure psychological infertility.

However, an example of how this is relieved, is when the couple decide to stop trying for a child of their own and instead, to adopt. In frequent cases, the woman will then successfully become pregnant after the adoption. The releasing of the desire to become pregnant because she now has a child seems to be enough to reduce stress levels, making her fertile and as a result, successfully conceiving.

So unnecessary high stress levels can prevent pregnancy in some women. Therefore learning some form of relaxation procedure, such as self hypnosis or meditation or listening to a specific Fertility Hypnosis Cd can help.

Another help can be to look at possible stress causes in the women's daily routine and take practical steps to reduce them.

Of course, high levels of stress and psychological infertility can apply equally to a man. A similar solution of listening to a self hypnosis cd can be the answer.