
Friday, October 28, 2005

Quick Tips to Resolving Depression with Hypnosis Cds

Depression is often a sign that something is wrong in our lives. This being the case it can also be a call to action, which for one reason or another you are unable or unwilling to take.

Gaining perspective and reducing stress and anxiety can put you in a better and more resourceful state to resolve the problem(s) in your life that previously may have seemed overwhelming.

Managing your life by utilising the following quick tips :-

1) Talk to a friend, family member or other help body about how you feel and the problems in your life.
2) Don't be afraid to let others know that you are finding things difficult at the moment. Keeping matters to yourself only adds to your burden.
3) Tell people how they can help you. Often people will give help but it is not what you really need. Tell them and their offers of assistance will be more appropriate.
4) It is best not to make life-changing decisions such as changing jobs or moving home while you are feeling depressed. If you can, put them off... unless delaying them adds to your depression. Of course for some people moving jobs or home may be the resolution to the depression.
5) If you have any anger, bitterness, resentment or frustration towards anyone, the only person that these emotions are hurting is you. If you can, decide to let them go.
6) Engage others in conversation. Shop assistants, bank clerks, meter readers are all human and it can make their day if you ask how they are and it will also help you.
7) Find some volunteer work to do. It does not have to be much. It can be just helping the elderly neighbour mow their lawn or giving them some plants for their garden. Their happiness and joy at receiving your help will come back to you.
8) Wear brighter clothes. Surround yourself with vibrant colours. Colour has the power to change our moods so use them.
9) Keep a diary of how you have felt each day and particularly write down your successes no matter how minor they might seem to be.
10) Forgive yourself. Don't beat yourself up with negative self talk or put yourself down in front of others. Remember that you are doing the best you can with what you have.
11) Use humour in a positive way. Don't put yourself or others down through humour. Use humour to help and not to be an underhand way to harm.
12) Allow yourself to cry. Give yourself permission to have a good cry. It will release much more than you realise.
13) Draw up a plan of action and cross off each action point as you do it. It will give you a great feeling of getting something and help your motivation.
14) Get into new healthy habits and routines. Decide which days to exercise on or do some other activity and stick to it.
15) Introduce something new into your life. This might be a new hobby or joining an evening class to learn a new skill.
16) When someone praises you or gives you a compliment just say 'thank you'. You will then allow your self esteem to accept a useful boost.
17) Listen to some uplifting music when you want to feel more energetic and choose some relaxing music when you want to unwind.
18) Take a break. Get away from your home even if it is for a few days. You can make an excuse to visit a distant friend if you cannot afford to pay for accommodation.
19) Sing or hum a favourite song of yours. Do it out loud when you are doing some activity.
20) Tidy one part of your home that has been neglected for some time like that draw fill of papers of that cupboard.
21) Pull the curtains back more and clean your windows to allow as much light as possible into your home.

These tips can help you feel better and more in control.

For anything other than mild temporary depression please seek your doctor's advice.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Depression - Practical Suggestions for Positive Change

Having discussed the types of depression and the possible cause, in the previous article, it now seems appropriate to discuss how sufferers can help themselves. Remembering that help for chronic, clinical and manic depression should be sought from your doctor. Indeed it is your doctor who would diagnose these types of depression and so even if you feel you have mild depression it is still important to seek your doctor's help first.

Causes and Solutions to Depression
Some of the possible causes of depression have already been listed. The list is not definitive but it is a useful start. If you know the cause of something then at least you have a target for your energies and focus. So if the cause of your depression is work related, then this should be the focus of your energies with the aim of reducing or completely eliminating the cause.

In very few instances do matters change through inaction. If you do nothing about something than that also tends to be the result, nothing. Taking positive action can produce benefits on a number of fronts such as: -

1) You feel better because you are doing something as opposed to just accepting your situation.
2) Doing something or taking action means that it is more likely that there will be a change in the situation.
3) Your options automatically increase if you take action because in doing so you are looking at what choices you have. Looking for something, whether that is your options or something else, means you will discover more than if you just did nothing.
4) The feeling of being trapped starts to dissolve as you realise the only person keeping you trapped is you.

Even if the action you take is to discuss the situation with a close friend, partner or relative at least you get a chance to let it out. Often this by itself will help you feel better.

Changing the Feeling of being Overwhelmed or Unable to Cope
People with depression talk about feeling overwhelmed or unable to cope with what has happened in their life. Often this occurs when more than one of the major areas in a person's life produces a problem.

You might say that there are 5 major areas in a person's life: -

1) Health and well-being
2) Work (or anything that occupies your time)
3) The personal relationship with another person (wife, husband, partner)
4) The home (rented or bought)
5) Anything else (wider family, friends, social aspects etc).

If you get a problem in one area of your life then you can probably cope. If you get another problem at the same time as the first issue and both of these last for some time then this is when a person may start to feel overwhelmed, unable to cope and therefore depressed.

A change of how you view your situation when you have more than one problem is the first thing to do if you feel overwhelmed. Often the feeling of being overwhelmed happens because you are viewing the two (or more) problems as one. You then may start to think and say that everything is wrong with your life and even good news may be turned into negative news.

So start by keeping the problems (unless they are genuinely connected) separately. A way of doing this is to think of each problem as having a separate box in your mind that you keep them in. Then decide to only tackle or think about opening one box at a time in order to tackle them one at a time.

Now this does not mean that you have to see through one problem to completion until you tackle the other problem. It means that you think about and take action on one problem, take it as far as you can and then start on the other problem. You may have to take a number of bites at a problem before it is dealt with. Some problems may involve waiting for others to do something and come back to you before you can do the next step in resolving it.

It can help to have a separate notepad for each problem. Then write down the main points of the problem. Write down the realistic outcome you would like. Then write down the steps you need to tale for that outcome to be realised. Again keeping a note of any dates and interactions you have with anyone. You may need to combine your notepad with a diary to remind you have a future date for further action.

Keeping unrelated problems separate in your mind by thinking of them as being stored in separate boxes can ease the sense of being unable to cope. Then tackling them one at a time can boost your confidence as you start to take manageable bites out of each.

No one eats a piazza in one bite. Now one goes from one floor to the next floor in one step. Each bite or step you take are small enough to be manageable and yet you know with each one that you are getting closer to finishing.

If you need professional help then seek it out. You cannot know how to do everything and an expert might know how to resolve easily what for you has seemed complex.

To summarise: -
1) Focus your energies on the cause
2) If you need to unload, tell a good friend about it
3) Keep different problems separate from each other in your mind
4) Write down the steps you need to take to resolve the problems
5) Remember one step at a time
6) Don't be too proud to seek professional help with any steps you have to take.

Exercise of any sort is a useful addition to getting back control of your life. Whether it is swimming, running or even line dancing, do make sure your physical body gets exercised. For when we exercise the body a number of positive things happen: -

1) The 'feel good' hormones are released lighting our mood
2) Any stress or tension is released from the muscles
3) Our sleep is likely to be improved
4) Energy levels will increase
5) You will feel healthier
6) Your motivation levels will increase.

Lastly, but by no means least, find a relaxation regime that works for you and you enjoy. This might be meditation, yoga, self hypnosis or any practice that helps with stress release will be more than helpful. You can learn meditation from books or cds. Likewise self hypnosis can be easy to enjoy from an appropriately titled self hypnosis cd.

Above all else, be kind to yourself. You’re doing the best you can and who could ask for more than that!

Friday, October 07, 2005

Depression - Seeing the Light with Self Hypnosis Cds

What is Depression?
The Oxford Reference Dictionary says that depression is "as state of extreme dejection often with physical symptoms". There are, as with anything, different types of this condition which range in duration and severity.

The human condition is one that brings with it what is often called "moods". You can be in a good, bad, high, low or indifferent mood. It is normal to experience all these moods at different times. Some of these moods can be started by conscious events in our lives whilst at other times we may be unaware of why we feel a particular way. Sometimes there may be a physical reason for feeling one of these moods.

The word 'depression' or 'feeling depressed' is often used to refer to feeling
'blue' or 'down' even though this may state may last for only a short period of time. Referring to this short time of feeling down as depression is not accurate and it is important to distinguish between occasional low moods and depression.

Depression is when someone experiences a sustained period of dejection or feeling low that seems to have little respite or it can be a low mood that seems to continue to return on a regular basis. To this end there are categories of depression ranging from what is considered mild depression to the heavier and longer lasting low moods of chronic, clinical or manic depression.

What are the Symptoms of Depression?
Typically a person with depression may experience any or all of the following:-

1) Loss of appetite
2) Broken sleep or insomnia
3) A constant feeling of dread
4) A lack of motivation
5) Feelings of guilt
6) Low self esteem and self confidence
7) A sense of being trapped with no means of escape
8) A sense of shame and failing
9) A pessimistic outlook on life (always expecting the worst to happen)
10) A lack of energy
11) A hunched stance, unhappy expression and negative attitude to any or everything
12) A sense of being a victim or always having bad luck
13) A high level of stress or anxiety

In the mildly depressed person only some of the above may apply for only a short period of time. In the person with manic depression many more of these symptoms may be true and can be coupled with psychotic episodes of delusions, hallucinations and a loss of a sense of reality. Anyone with manic depression should be under the supervision of a psychiatrist and will probably be prescribed drugs to help the condition.

It is the mild forms of depression that other forms of help such as counseling, hypnotherapy and EFT may be useful. Certainly if you do feel that you are depressed, even if it is only a mild form of depression and has been with you for a only few days or keeps returning sporadically you should go and see your doctor first. It is not the intention of this article to address anything other than mild depression.

There are a number of events that can trigger mild depression. These can be :-

1) A divorce
2) Shock or upsetting news
3) Loss of a job
4) Loss of the home
5) Being assaulted (mugged)
6) A burglary
7) Rape or constant abuse
8) Physical, verbal or psychological abuse at home or at work

These 'life event's' happen to all of us. It is how we perceive them and ultimately deal with them that make the difference between someone who handles the crisis and someone who feels unable to cope. Even children can suffer with depression, which may be due to factors in the home or at school.

For those people with mild depression which they know has been caused by a particular event or events, self hypnosis cds on the subject of depression may help. Sometimes all it takes it a different way of viewing or perceiving matters for the person feeling low to gain a new sense of perspective and proportion. Certainly the relaxation qualities of any self hypnosis cd will help the stress that often is felt with depression.