
Thursday, June 30, 2005

Hypnosis Cd - Self Confidence

I think it is appropriate to discuss what self-confidence is, before discussing how a self-hypnosis cd may help improve self-confidence.

We, as human beings, do many things on automatic pilot or without having to think too much about it... at least consciously any how. An example would be tying a shoelace. Even though we might have gone through a few years of fashion wearing slip on's, if we needed to, we would not find any difficulty in tying a shoelace. That is because we have done it so many times before that we know just what to do and do not have to give it too much conscious thought. So if you were to ask someone, how confident are you that you can tie a shoelace, they would probably say 'very confident'. They feel confident about it because they have done it many many times before successfully. In fact they now give very little thought to actions required to tie that shoelace as it all happens automatically.

This is a type of self confidence. Knowing something so well, that as the saying goes, you could do it with your eyes closed or you know it like the back of your hand.

When someone says that they lack confidence or have low confidence, they can so easily make the mistake of covering their whole life with this description or tag. They might even say 'I never have any confidence in myself'. By saying this out loud to others who will listen, or thinking it to themselves they will be setting up a self-fulfilling prophecy. The label you give yourself or the label you accept as being true (whether from a friend, family member, colleague or even from school) will invariably mean that you start to fit yourself to that label, and, can make it your own living reality.

Yet, that person above will be able to do many things with confidence but, and here is the big 'but' they will not use these successes and evidence of confidence, as they should be used. They will ignore them or diminish them in some way (e.g. saying "I was lucky") so that they do not contradict this label that they have accepted of having no confidence. Which is a pity because it is only taking a realistic view of what happens in their world, will they then be able to feel more confident about themselves.

It can be quite amazing how someone will say they have no confidence and yet 5 minutes later they will tell you about some amazing things that they do such as talking in front of 10,000 people, or they go mountain climbing. Despite undertaking these events, which ordinarily seem nerve wracking events, they may still say that they have low confidence.

So confidence or the lack of it, has a lot to do with how you view yourself. If this is the case then really it is down to a perception. Perceptions are not a true reflection of reality all of the time. Often perceptions even between just 2 people can be remarkably different even though these 2 people have in reality, experienced exactly the same thing.

Perceptions are the filters we use to process what happens around us. Our perceptions can make us feel good, bad or indifferent. They can give us a boost of energy or deflate us into an anxious and fearful mass. Our perceptions have power.

Our perceptions are, more often than not, based on our past conscious and subconscious experiences. They are our way of analysing what happens around and enabling us to decide the implications for us. When experiencing anything, our minds will very quickly compare the current experience to past experiences and, these past experiences will indicate how we should react to this current experience. If we have had a bad experience that seems very similar to the current experience, we will feel in a similar way to the feeling we associated with that past bad experience.

So our perceptions are based on past experiences (mostly).

Once we realise this, we can take control of our perceptions and change them particularly when you accept how incorrect our perceptions can be. We have all had the experience of perceiving someone or some situation in a particular way, only to realise that we got it completely wrong. With this in mind, although our perceptions are a form or protection and are meant to enable us to weigh up a situation quickly, they can also be wholly inaccurate.

Positive and healthy self-confidence begins by accepting that your perception of yourself may just be wrong. For instance, some friends will be astounded when someone announces (may be on a drunken evening), how they feel they have such low confidence. These friends will say will all sincerity that they find this hard to believe as they always appear confident and in control. Yet that person will still insist that they lack confidence. Obviously the signals that they are externalising are not the same as those that they are internalising. Often the person who appears to be the most confident and out-going will have terrible doubts and internal conflicts. The external bravado will be their way of masking how they feel inside.

Good, strong and healthy self-confidence begins by admitting and accepting more evidence of what you can do well. It also begins by accepting as true those positive and complimentary comments made to you. In the past you may have dismissed a positive comment that was said to you because you didn't know how to handle it. You may even have made a joke of it or tried to dig up the tiniest fragment of evidence as to why you don't deserve such praise. Many people say something like this 'Oh, it was nothing'.

How can you possibly retain healthy self-confidence if you always dismiss or undermine your achievements? You can't, so decide from today not to do it. In fact decide from today to say just two words when someone says something nice or complimentary about you or something you have done. These two words are 'thank you'. Try it out next time and see how you feel about it. It will help you start to feel the confidence that has always been they’re waiting for you.

The use of a Self Confidence self hypnosis cd can help the mind to absorb positive suggestions for change. Changes in perception and behaviour are also encouraged.

There are other aspects to gaining healthy self-confidence which will be disussed in another article.

Friday, June 24, 2005

Self Hypnosis Cds - Allergies, Hay fever Help

As more and more people take responsibility for their lives by taking an active interest in helping resolve their issues the list of ailments that self hypnosis can affect in a positive way increases.

Indeed, the BBC's own health web-site has recently ran an article entitled "Hypnosis could banish hay fever". The article describes how teaching hay fever sufferers the art of self hypnosis can help them to alleviate their symptoms such as itchy red eyes, runny nose and as a result the amount of anti-allergic medication may be reduced.

The article goes on to say that in a recent Swiss research study 66 hay fever sufferers were taught self hypnosis. Over a period of 2 years the group that were using self hypnosis for their hay fever tested well to reduction in nasal mucus flow and needed to use less eye drop medication. The trial was too small however to be statistically significant.

Click here for more details of the hypnosis hay fever research study

There is no doubt that hay fever sufferers would welcome even a small percentage reduction in the symptoms they suffer from. More research with larger study groups would help support the case for the use and effectiveness of self hypnosis for hay fever and many other ailments.

If you are under the supervision of a medical professional and/or receiving medication for any issue or ailment you should not change that treatment plan without the consent of that medical professional.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

Self Hypnosis CD - Cancel Cancer CD Series

Any ailment or illness, no matter how major, can have a psychological element to it. Even the word 'cancer' is enough to give someone a feeling of anxiety which is in itself enough to prove the body and mind have an instant connection. In fact the body and mind and are not two separate entities. The body and mind are one, it is only for the sake of simplicity of understanding that we have labelled and thought of them as two separate parts.

If you accept that the mind and body can have a profound effect on each other then you will also be able to accept that if the body ails, then the mind has played a part in that ailing and can also play an important part in the body's healing.

With this in mind the Cancel Cancer cds series were produced to help the mind release any part it has played in the origination of the cancer and also to have a positive effect on the body's defence and immune systems.

One particular letter that Duncan McColl, author of the Cancel Cancer series has received says "Thank you for being the first person to allow me the dignity of discovering the healing resources within myself"

NOTE: Any use of the Cancel Cancer Self Hypnosis Cds should be considered as an extra option to conventional medical treatment and not as a substitute.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Self Hypnosis Cds - Relief From Stress Cd

The number one most popular issue that users of a self hypnosis cd or clients of a hypnotherapist seek help with is stress. Even if their presenting issue appears different, such as a phobia or lack of confidence, somewhere in the mix will be a stress issue. So helping anyone to reduce their stress can be a great and effective way of reducing the symptoms and often the cause of any issue.

Self hypnosis either with the use of a self hypnosis cd or without any aid whatsoever is a technique that can not only assist stress reduction and encourage more and longer lasting feelings of relaxation it can also help alleviate the cause of the problem or issue.

Most often the causes of any issue whether physical, mental or emotional is incorrect thinking about life's events. There is no doubt that we are different from each other for many reasons. One of the main differences is being to perceive an identical and often the same event than someone who experiences that event at the same time.

A well-known example is what I refer to as the "2 Half Pints of Beer Scenario". This is the story of two men in a bar who have been drinking beer. They both have the same amount of beer left to drink: a half of a pint. One the men thinks to himself "oh no, my glass is half empty". The other man thinks, "Great, my glass is still half full".

Now both these chaps are in the same situation and have the same physical stimulus in front of them. Yet one is obviously having a better time of it than the other. Most often these to chaps are referred to as the pessimist and the optimist.

So it is not necessarily what happens on our world that causes us to have an issue or stress, most often it can be the way we perceive a situation and ultimately how we process that situation and store it away as a memory.

As you know, some memories just give us a neutral feeling, or no feeling at all when we think about them. An example would be writing a note or driving to the shops for most people. When you think about that memory of driving to the shops or writing that note, it does not bring up any strong feelings.

Thinking about a memory of being laughed at by your whole class when in senior school can bring with it a decidedly uncomfortable feeling. On the other hand, the memory winning that egg and spoon race when you were only 3 years old can bring happy and carefree feelings.

Changing the way we think about past and what appear to be negative events can give us a sense of release and prevent us subconsciously sabotaging future opportunities. Coupled with a relaxation regime such as listening regularly to a self-hypnosis cd can really pay dividends. After all once you have learnt the lesson of the past event (which might be to make sure you prepare for a speech) why do you have to carry the unhelpful feelings around. There really is no need to be burdened anymore is there not?

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

Self Hypnosis Cds - Whisper Subliminals

In the last article I discussed the concept of subliminal elements that can be included with self hypnosis cds. In this article, I want to describe a special type of subliminal persuasion, namely the whisper subliminal.

Duncan McColl developed the idea of whisper subliminals and I will leave it to his own words to describe how this came about.

"A whole new concept in subliminal healing evolved in 1990 in meeting an exceptional need for a cd to assist in a difficult childbirth case.

Meeting an exceptional challenge in 1992 produced another innovation in recording therapy: Whisper Subliminal.

Quite simply... the musical 'screening' is removed and the high-speed subliminal message is recorded at low volume. In using the recording, the volume is turned down so that the whisper becomes inaudible. The subliminal message is then received and implemented by the subconscious control levels of mind to the precise degree that it is beneficial to whoever is within normal hearing range...

The whisper subliminal recording can be played at anytime, including while driving, reading or watching television. The beneficial influence is apparent immediately."
Duncan McColl

The great benefit of a Whisper Subliminal recording is that you do not have to take time out to listen to it. You can just have it playing in the background and because the sound is turned down to below audibility it does not interfere with anything else you might be doing or concentrating on. It is a truly unique concept and a great asset to the person who wants to change but finds they have no time to do so.

On many of the Whisper Subliminal cds authored by Duncan there is a Whisper Subliminal track to add to the choice of the listener