Stop Smoking and Self Hypnosis Cds
People stop smoking through many different means. Some use will power alone, others use patches, gum, zyban, lozenges and other means.
There is no doubt that people do succeed with these methods. All have their success stories. As a hypnotherapist I see many clients for stop smoking hypnosis sessions. The vast majority of these clients have had a number of attempts at stopping smoking in the past and for a variety of reasons they have started again.
Hypnotherapy has an excellent success rate in helping smokers quit smoking. Your will power is still an important element of successful quitting and even more so is your decision that you really do want to stop.
An excellent way of helping to quit smoking with the aid of hypnosis but without having to visit a hypnotherapist is to use a stop smoking hypnosis cd.
There are many quit smoking hypnosis cds available on the market. One of the most effective is Duncan McColl's Stop smoking cd. It includes 2 tracks one of which is self hypnosis and the other track is a whisper subliminal. Together they provide a powerful aid to finally quitting the old habit for good.
With any self hypnosis cd it is important to listen to the regularly and often. Part of the power of the self hypnosis cd is in hearing the same suggestions over and over again. This repetition of suggestions, referred to by hypnotherapists as compounding, is an essential part of the successful use of hypnosis. I am sure you must have heard of the expression "if you hear something often enough, you begin to believe it".
So when you get your stop smoking hypnosis cd play it often. Try to at least play it everyday for the first 30 days. After this time you can tune in to the suggestions less frequently and you will know when you no longer need to listen to it as often. You may just want to play it occasionally as a booster to your resolve to remain a non-smoker.