Hypnosis Cds - Don't They Just Repeat On You?
Some people think that listening to a self hypnosis cd might be useful for the first or second time but after that they would become much less effective.
This at first glance would seem to be a logical conclusion to come to. After all, if the idea of a suggestion, is to have an impact on the listener, often the most powerful impact is when you hear something for the first time. This impact may be a new way of thinking about an old idea or maybe just some new information that has led to a change in perception.
Ordinarily, you might consider that hearing that same new piece of information over and over again would lead to it losing its’ impact. In reality the opposite is true.
Although we may become bored with consciously hearing the same suggestion or words, subconsciously something much more powerful is happening.
One of the ways the subconscious mind learns and accepts a lesson about life is through repetition. If we are told that we are useless at something often enough we may begin to believe it. This same way of accepting and learning something new, is utilised in repeatedly listening to any self hypnosis cd.
Even though consciously you can become bored and switch off, this is perfectly okay and is indeed a useful phenomenon because the subconscious mind will still tune into those repeated suggestions. Very soon those suggestions are accepted and then acted upon.
It is through making the conscious mind switch off through boredom that allows the subconscious mind to accept the beneficial suggestions of the self hypnosis cd.
In summary then the impact of a self hypnosis cd can increase through repeated playing and this aspect is certainly utilised in whisper subliminal cds.